Gender & Equity Impact Assessment Training

MindTribes’ Gender & Equity Impact Assessment (GIA / EIA) Training is designed to equip organisations with the skills and knowledge necessary to assess and address the impacts of their policies, programs, and services on gender equity and other intersecting factors. Our comprehensive training helps organisations embed equity considerations into their decision-making processes, fostering more inclusive and fair outcomes.

Gender & Equity Impact Assessment Training

What are Gender & Equity Impact Assessments?

Gender & Equity Impact Assessments (GIAs & EIAs) are systematic evaluations designed to measure how policies, programs, and services affect diverse demographic groups. They help organisations identify and address potential inequalities. This proactive approach ensures that all individuals have equitable access to opportunities and resources, enhancing overall organisational effectiveness.

Gender Impact Assessments (GIAs) are specifically focused on evaluating how different genders are affected by an organisation’s policies and initiatives. Mandated by the Gender Equality Act 2020 in Victoria, Australia, GIAs are a legal requirement for many organisations. This legislation aims to promote gender equality by ensuring that all public sector entities assess the potential impacts of their actions on gender equity, fostering a more balanced and fair work environment.

Equity Impact Assessments (EIAs) expand the scope of traditional GIAs by incorporating a broader range of intersecting factors such as race, disability, age, and socioeconomic status. EIAs provide a comprehensive analysis of how these intersecting identities impact individuals’ experiences and access to opportunities. By conducting EIAs, organisations can develop more inclusive policies and programs that address multiple forms of discrimination and promote a culture of equity and inclusion.


    How does MindTribes deliver Gender & Equity Impact Assessment Training?

    Our approach to the Gender & Equity Impact Assessment Training includes:

    Comprehensive Modules

    Our training is divided into modules covering key topics such as the legislative context, intersectionality, the EIA toolkit, and practical exercises.

    Continuous Support

    We provide ongoing support and resources to help participants apply their learnings in real-world contexts.

    Structured Workshops

    We provide ongoing support and resources to help participants apply their learnings in real-world contexts.

    Expert Facilitation

    Our facilitators are experienced professionals with deep expertise in gender equity and impact assessments.

    Expected outcomes


    Enhanced Equity Analysis Skills

    Participants gain the skills and knowledge to conduct thorough and effective equity impact assessments



    Improved Decision-Making

    Organisations make more informed and equitable decisions that benefit all employees and stakeholders



    Increased Compliance

    Organisations ensure compliance with the Gender Equality Act 2020 and other relevant legislation, avoiding potential legal issues


    Why MindTribes?

    MindTribes’ approach to Gender & Equity Impact Assessment Training leverages our extensive experience and expertise in DEI. Our evidence-based methods ensure that participants are equipped with the skills and knowledge to drive real change within their organisations. We combine academic insights with practical, real-world solutions to provide comprehensive and impactful training.

    From our extensive consulting experience, we understand the challenges and risks Australian organisations typically face. We have partnered with a wide range of clients, across Government (state, federal and local), Not for Profits (NFP)/charities and from SME’s to ASX Top 20 companies, multinationals and educational institutions, empowering them to build inclusive and culturally competent workplaces.

    Gender & Equity Impact Assessment Training

    Case Study

    In a recent engagement with the Independent Broad-based Anti-corruption Commission (IBAC), MindTribes conducted a series of workshops to implement Equity Impact Assessments (EIAs) as part of their compliance with the Gender Equality Act 2020. The training aimed to build internal knowledge and capability for conducting EIAs across various divisions.

    The program began with a comprehensive introduction to the Gender Equality Act 2020 and the importance of EIAs. Participants were introduced to the theory and practice of EIAs, including global case studies that highlighted successful implementations. Through interactive sessions, they explored the concept of intersectionality and its significance in assessing the impacts of policies and programs.

    A key component of the training was the practical application of the EIA toolkit. Participants engaged in group exercises to apply the toolkit to real-life case studies, gaining hands-on experience in conducting EIAs. The training also covered the development of an EIA strategy, including how to sustain momentum and build internal capability.

    The impact of the training was significant. IBAC was able to incorporate EIAs into their strategic and operational processes, ensuring that gender and equity considerations were embedded in their decision-making. The training also enhanced the professional development of IBAC leaders, equipping them with the skills and knowledge to lead inclusively and effectively.

    Call For A Consultation

    Enquire about our Gender & Equity Impact Assessment Training today
