Client & Partner Compliments

As part of the CALD Committee exec team at PM&C, I was delighted to have worked with Div and Vick at MindTribes to deliver career development training for CALD-identifying staff. I thoroughly enjoyed the training delivered by Div. Through three incremental sessions, we explored topics like career planning, internal and external barriers, and advocacy and allyship. Div showed us practical tips to take ownership of our career journey and use our influence to gain support from allies and advocates. Div highlighted how common self-limiting beliefs shared by CALD-identifying people feed into the way we express our goals and achieve our objectives, hence impacting the way our colleagues and managers perceive us and give us opportunities. In three interactive and thought-provoking sessions, Div provided us with useful tools to think about and communicate our career aspirations, interests, goals and needs in order for us to succeed and lift our profiles as leaders in our workplaces. Thanks Div and MindTribes for the productive learning experience, I would recommend them highly for others looking for similar training.

Senior Leader, CALD Network Executive Committee| Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet

Div conducted a session with CGSP across a wide range of our staff covering the topic of Cultural Capability & Leadership. With many of our staff dealing with offshore teams, Div provided great value and insight from her experience and the team took away many techniques and ideas that are now embedded in our business.

Callaway, Finance Director, 2017

The transformation in results and cultural alignment since then has been outstanding. Specifically, we have achieved:

  • A consistent level of greater than 200% increase in sales directly driven by the Fijian team from mid-2016 to the end March 2017.
  • Increased productivity resulting in greater responsibility for the Fijian team regarding customer contact specific to online sales.

Improved quality process, measured by less errors, and resulting in significantly improved relationships, accountability, trust and engagement between the onshore and offshore teams.”

Santa Fe Wridgways, CEO, 2017

Div made a significant contribution to the GLS business. She was able to quickly identify skill and leadership gaps by taking an external view of our business. Her methodologies and approach changed the conversation in our offshore leadership team in order to more accurately comprehend the way we needed to speak with our customers. In practical terms we changed our quality tools to measure the right behaviours. This was then embedded into GLS by the leaders in order to sustain momentum and focus over a 12-month period. I would highly recommend Div.

GLS, CEO, 2016

I have worked with Div in American Express where she championed in helping us align our sales conversation by observing and recognizing cultural differences and how this impact business results. Our group partnered with Div to help us imbed into our customer and people profiling the cultural behaviors that affect our sales discussion which is the first time for our group. To ensure continuity of the initiative, we have co-created a Quality tool that allowed us to within the first 90 days ensure that our Account Executives were incorporating both sales and cultural knowledge into their daily conversations with our valued clients. The Quality tool also gave us the opportunity to be targeted and easily identify specific coaching opportunity. We also had a CTC or Coach The Coach sessions with her where we met monthly for 12 months and leveraged on ICF best practices which ensure that leaders like myself had the right support to coach both on sales performance and cultural behaviours. I loved working with Div and would strongly recommend her (and MindTribes) for the great partnership and continued support.

American Express, Team Manager, 2016

The effectiveness of MindTribes’ workshop at the Centre of Nanoscale BioPhotonics came from its use of our own members’ lived experiences of inclusion and non-inclusion in their university workplaces. This made Div’s presentation real, relevant and impactful.”

Acting General Manager, The ARC Centre of Excellence for Nanoscale BioPhotonics (CNBP)

In an environment where profit for purpose, shared value and conscious capitalism are shaping the future of business, MindTribes has been a leader from the outset.  That is why we have asked MindTribes to be a Business Ambassador for Plan.  They embraced the role with vigour giving time to represent us at events, networking functions and in their own media and public speaking engagements. We are fortunate to have featured in MindTribes articles in The Australian Financial Review, The Telstra Business Awards, Victoria Gala Dinner, the NAB Dig Deep Report, International Women’s Day Great Debate, AIM’s Diversity Matters Leadership Day, to name a few.  Exposure in these forums is of enormous value to our cause.

We could not wish for a better change agent for girls.”

Plan Deputy CEO, now CEO, 2017

I have been fortunate to work with Div and receive personal coaching. An amazing opportunity, to personally grow, stretch and understand aspects of myself, (personal culture/brand…), and be aware of how I interact with others and how they behave toward me and what I can and cannot influence.

I liken this opportunity to having a personal trainer, revisiting some healthy eating plans, achieving academic goals (just completed my Master in IT). It is a continuous journey and requires reflection, fine tuning, and active participation.

Working with Div to develop areas that I may be blindsided by has been empowering. Self-improvement opportunities always exist however to be observed within a forum and receive targeted feedback rather than generic is powerful and informative. Div has provided detailed observation, as well as raising it up to focus areas and measures, mapped out in a detailed plan.

I am a keen advocate of the services Div provides and genuinely believe the program she offers, which can be tailored would provide some of the glue, to enable teams to work together better and be outstanding.

Senior Leader in IT, Strategy & Architecture.
Large Bank

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